Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter Holiday is already over!

Since my last post, i have been in the kitchen most of the time. And yes, Zach and I did make our gingerbreadman cookie and he was proud enough to bring those cookies to his pre-school and share them with his friends. And not only that, he also gave some to his auntie and his auntie proudly showed off to her friends...saying..'my nephew is only 3 plus and he bakes these cookies'!!!! haha

Anyway, it is indeed a good way to spend time with him, especially when i can hardly cope with all his other super-active activities - ball kicking, water gun shooting etc... and it is only during baking that he slows down his pace. But still half of the time, i am not able to keep my eyes off him, even for 1 minute, just in case he decides to add something extra to the mixture....

Some cakes did turn out well, some didn't...but to Zach, he is always nice enough to tell the mummy, 'everything tastes nice'.... *meltz my heart*...ohhhhhh

Well...the baking journey continues.....

1 comment:

Joyce Wong said...

Next time he come.. I make sure i have flour and butter and stuff so he can bake for me...